Sergey Vodennikov. Love and Life

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Psychological novel (in Russian). Moscow, «U Nikitskikh Vorot», 2020. 120 p.

A fifty-year associate professor of one of the higher educational institutions in Moscow and a graduate student are engaged in scientific work. Everything goes well, because she is a capable girl. But it turns out that her abilities go far beyond diligent training, and here the most interesting and … complex begins.

The plot of this book is not new, but the love story is unique and inimitable, like every person has. The depth of characters, the unpredictability of the actions of the characters keep the reader in constant tension, making the reading fascinating and fleeting, leaving a long aftertaste.

The prologue to the novel in Russian can be found here:

The Prologue, Part 1 and Chapters 1 and 2.1-2.6 of the Part 2 in English — here:

Together with the author of the novel, S. Vodennikov, we decided to provide the English text with some illustrations (mainly original photos).

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The book in Russian can be bought here:,,,